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Soundbath - Good for the Soul Holistics

Forget the world for a while and sink into a tranquil ocean of healing soundwaves.

  • 20 British pounds
  • Shore Yoga Studio

Service Description

We are excited to introduce Alex of Good for The Soul Holistics. Forget the world for a while and sink into a tranquil ocean of healing soundwaves. Sit or lay down, close your eyes and allow the sound to wash away any stresses of your day, as you are filled with the beautiful and powerful vibrations of pure sound. You will experience a number of especially chosen instruments, including Crystal and Himalayan singing bowls, Gong, Medicine Drum, Koshi chimes and more. Physical and emotional benefits. ✨ Reduces stress and anxiety ✨ Aids sleep and relaxation ✨ Creates a deeper sense of well-being and promotes healing, returning the body's own vibration to its natural state ✨ To release and move through energy blockages Please note, Sound Healing is not recommended for people within their first 3 months of pregnancy, if you have UNMANAGED severe mental health issues, or if you have had a seizure within the last three months.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Please see our full terms and conditions here: If purchasing as PAY NOW please be aware that this is a non refundable or transferable booking. For Plans and Memberships Cancellation Cut off is 12 hours before class start time - please note for sessions that start before 10am this cut off is 9pm the previous evening. Please see your plan/ membership for specific conditions. You may reschedule your session up to 6 hours before class start time.

Contact Details

  • Shore Yoga, Earsdon Road, Whitley Bay, UK


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